Operation Park Safe is a new project which will allow members of the public to report parking issues online.
As part of the scheme, residents will be able to upload videos and photographs of offending vehicles where they will be assessed by an experienced traffic officer, who will triage and deal with any dangerous parking offences.
Any minor traffic obstructions, or community impact issues will be allocated to the local PCSO or Beat officers to deal with in an appropriate manner.
What residents will need to do:
- You will need to provide a written statement about the offence, including the date and time it happened. This can be completed electronically.
- You will need to provide us with your name, address, date of birth and contact details.
- You may be required to attend court if the matter is contested.
- Do NOT challenge the driver or get involved in confrontation.
- Do NOT put yourself at risk to obtain a photograph.
What officers will do:
- The Roads and Crime Unit will triage the report and will deal with the person responsible. This may include issuing fines or educational courses depending on the severity of the offence committed.
Offences officers will deal with:
- Vehicles parked on or in a crossing area: This includes the area covered by zig-zag lines.
- Parking on white lines: People cannot stop or park on a road marked with double white lines, even when a broken white line is on your side of the road, except to pick up or set down passengers, or to load or unload goods. This includes the pavement or verge.
- Forcing pedestrians to walk in road: This includes parking on the pavement where there is not enough room for pedestrians to get past.
- Parking at/on a junction: Vehicles cannot stop, park opposite or within 10m of a junction.
- School parking offences: People cannot stop or park on the zig-zag lines or keep clear markings.
- Parking on a cycle track
- Parking a goods vehicle on the road: Vehicles with a maximum laden wight of more than 7.5 tonnes (including trailers) cannot park on a verge, pavement or any land situated between carriageways, without police permission. The only exception is when this is essential for loading and unloading, but the vehicle cannot be left unattended.
What officers can’t deal with:
- Single and double yellow line offences: These are local authority parking enforcement only.
- Pavement parking: This is where there is still room for pedestrians to get past without having to go into the road.
How to report
To report please follow the directions below:
Go to the Report a road traffic incident page and find the location on the map.
On the next page press no on “Did at least one vehicle collide with something or someone?”
On the next page click on “A possible driving offence eg careless driving, using a mobile phone” and complete the form.