On 14th February 2023 a newsletter was provided to local residents by Eric Wright Construction, who are the principle contractor for the design work and enabling ground works at the Beechmere Extra Care redevelopment site on Rolls Avenue.
Following this newsletter I received concerns from many local residents about the work being carried out and potential issues with contractors vehicles, parking, waste and litter, overall site cleanliness and respect for the area.
I raised these concerns with Myles Rogerson, Operations Manager at Eric Wright Construction
A response was received on 15th February 2023:
We at Eric Wright do appreciate the local residents’ concerns and will work with you to ensure the least disruption possible during the construction of this new facility.
We have recognised parking of subcontractors will be an issue to the residents, especially for the ones who may work from home or are retired. Eric Wright will ensure subcontractors park legally in the surrounding areas. We will have a gateman/banksman on the project for the full duration and part of his duties will be to check the surrounding area and monitor if any of our subcontractors are parking illegally.
We do appreciate with the influx in people to the area due to the construction project, the risk of waste and litter can increase. To combat this, we will have a fully operational canteen within our site that is able to house all of our subcontractors, thus keeping our waste confirmed to site. We also house bins at all of our pedestrian entrances to site to reduce the risk even further of litter being brought into the surrounding area.
Lastly, EWC will continually monitor the roads during the different stages of construction and have road sweepers on hand to clean the surrounding area effected. Furthermore we will have jet washes to clean vehicles wheels prior to leaving site to minimise the amount of debris on the road in the first instance.
Myles Rogerson
Operations Manager