Help for residents this winter, and more updates for St Barnabas
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Dear fellow residents,


Here is my latest update for residents of Crewe, St Barnabas area to help keep you up to date.


This newsletter includes details of support available to help residents over the colder months, disappointing news about our bin collections, and more about some of the work I have been doing for our area over the last month.


You can always see my latest updates on my facebook page.


Please forward or share this newsletter with your St Barnabas area friends and neighbours so I can keep other residents up to date on what I am up to in our area.


Anyone can sign up to receive my newsletter by visiting


If you've missed a previous newsletter, you can view them all online here.

It is important that residents of St Barnabas are able to keep warm this winter, especially with the cold weather setting in and the additional unprecedented pressures at this time of year.

Here is some information on local warm places, advice on claiming pension credit, help with heating at home and improving the energy efficiency of your home.

Warm places you can go

Warm PlaCEs are places where people can come together to stay warm and enjoy a hot drink.

These places are available to anyone who is feeling the cold and pressures of Cost of Living. Find out where you can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy a little company, some hot refreshments.

Here are some local Warm Places for Crewe St Barnabas Residents

Barnies Community Hub
St Barnabas Church Hall, West Street, Crewe, CW1 3HX
Telephone: 07949 240 371

Opening Times –
Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 – 14:30

West Street Christian Fellowship
West Street Christian Fellowship, Richard Street, Crewe, CW1 3HE
Telephone: 01270 255337

Opening Times –
Friday: 10:00 – 12:30

Union Street Baptist Church
Union Street Baptist Church, 49 Lord Street, Crewe, CW2 7DH
Telephone: 07908 900586

Opening Times –
Thursday 10:30 – 12:30

Crewe Library
Crewe Library, Crewe Lifestyle Centre, Moss Square, Crewe, Cheshire, Cw1 2BB
Telephone: 01270 375295

Opening Times –
Monday- Friday: 9:30 – 18.00
Saturday: 09:00 – 13.00


Although not officially a dedicated warm space, if you’re over 60 you can visit the ASDA café in Crewe this winter for their Winter Warmer and get soup, a roll and butter, and unlimited hot drinks for £1 so it’s somewhere nice and warm to sit for a while.  This runs until the end of February 2025.

Cafe Opening Times –
Monday- Saturday: 8:30 – 18.00
Sunday: 10:00 – 16.00

You can find more Warm Places across the wider Cheshire East area on the Live Well directory.

Winter Fuel Allowance and claiming Pension Credit

The scrapping of the winter fuel allowance is already affecting many older residents of St Barnabas.  If you have lost your winter fuel allowance payment it is worth seeing if you are eligible for Pension Credit.  Help and advice is available for you.

If you’re a pensioner who has lost the winter fuel allowance, you may be able to claim pension credit. Please call Age UK for advice on 0800 0556112, or if you prefer you can check if you are eligible online.

Help with heating your home

Energy and fuel poverty charity Energy Projects Plus and Community Interest Company, Go-Lo are delivering Fuel Poverty help and support across Cheshire East. The free of charge LEAP and Warm and Well schemes offer support for residents facing the current energy cost challenges.

To find out more email or call 0800 043 0151.

Help to make your home more energy efficient

Making your home more energy efficient can save you money on your fuel bills – and it can also improve your health by making your home warmer too.

There are a range of grants from Cheshire East Council that can be accessed for heating repairs, renewable heating and insulation, if you are on a low income.

Telephone: 0300 123 5017 (select option 4)

Help from Guinness Housing

If you are a Guinness Housing tenant and have a problem with either no heating or hot water please call 0303 123 1890.

Guinness Housing have also put together some useful information for tenants on getting help to keep your home warm this winter.


I've been out and about to every part of St Barnabas over the past week, talking to residents about what matters to them - and raising issues that need attention. 

Being a Councillor that actually lives in the area means I get to see what really needs doing and what is important to fellow residents in our area.


💩 22 Fly tipping incidents have been reported for clean up

🗑️ 7 Litter hot spots have been requested for litter picking

🕳️ 10 Potholes reported for repair

💡 2 more street lights have been reported for repair

✨ Several instances of graffiti requested for clean up

And much more!

⛄ I also met a cool character in Leighton Brook Park!  Credit to those who made the massive snowman!  He looks more like a snow BEAR! 🐻

👉 Let's keep making St Barnabas BETTER! 

📢 If there's an issue that needs attention, either report online or let me know.


Back in June I noticed that a street lamp column in Brooklands Grove was in a very poor condition.  I raised this issue which required the potentially dangerous street light column to be removed for safety reasons.

Brand new street lighting has now been installed on Brooklands Grove, along with another new installation on Monks Lane.

If you spot a street light that's damaged or not working, you can report it and many other issues by downloading the FixMyStreet app to your smartphone, or via the web

You can raise many other issues online too, please see my web site:


Unfortunately despite our efforts to oppose the new proposals - it's bad news I'm afraid for Crewe.  Black household waste bin collections are due to change from every 2 weeks to every 3 weeks from April 2026.

Thank you again to everyone who responded to my call for residents in St Barnabas to provide feedback to the Cheshire East consultation on the proposal from the council to cut black bin collections from every two weeks to every 3 weeks.

Of the 6,257 respondents, 84% opposed the proposal for three-weekly black bin collections.

A full report on the consultation is published here.

It's another example of our Labour led Council making poor decisions despite huge opposition to the proposals - pushing through initial plans instead of looking at feedback and proposing more suitable and cost effective solutions to collect food waste.

The decision was ultimately made by Councillors who are members of the  environment and communities committee - with 7 Councillors voting for the proposal and 6 opposing.

During the meeting, concerns were raised about the impact on the elderly, people with medical needs, fly-tipping and the possible contamination of the grey recycling bins because of overflowing black bins.

There were fears raised too that the council might be acting too hastily, as last year the government launched a consultation which included draft guidance requiring councils to collect residual (black bin) waste each fortnight as a minimum.

Cllr Janet Clowes (Conservative) said: “My biggest concern is I’m not sure this is a risk we should be taking at this early stage of the current government…

“I would resent having to go through all that pain if, in the next 12 months, Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) come back and say we’ve looked at that piece of imminent legislation and actually we’re going to put a limit of two weeks on residual waste collection.”

Cllr Becky Posnett (Conservative) said: “I have enormous concerns over the paper that was presented [to the committee] because of the lack of detail.”

She added: “I’m going to keep it simple, on the fact that 84 percent of residents do not want this.

“I was voted for by residents, I represent residents and therefore I cannot support it.”

I clearly don't support it either.  It's disappointing that the points that both myself and residents raised were ignored. 

Perhaps sense will be seen to reverse this decision before April 2026?

In the meantime I will persevere with my efforts working with both Cheshire East Council, Crewe Town Council as well as ANSA and local housing providers to continue to tackle the fly tipping and waste issues that affect many streets and residents of Crewe St Barnabas. 

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE