Free events every day this summer, tackling fly tipping, fixing our roads and more
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Dear fellow residents,


I hope you're well and enjoying the summer holidays and the recent great weather.


In this newsletter find out about more free events you can attend this summer, work to improve roads in our area, how I am working to tackle fly tipping and much more that I have been doing to keep making St Barnabas better!


You can always see my latest updates on my facebook page.


Please share this newsletter with your St Barnabas area friends and neighbours so I can keep residents up to date on what I am up to.


Anyone can sign up to receive my newsletter by visiting


If you've missed a previous newsletter, you can view them all online here.


This week I met with Cheshire East waste enforcement officers, ANSA staff and a representative from Guinness Housing to jointly discuss ongoing issues with fly tipping around McNeill Avenue/West Street.   This issue is something I have been working on for some time so it was great to join forces to tackle it.

After the meeting I also spoke to residents about the recent problems and delivered information to all homes in the area about how to deal with waste responsibly and the services available to residents to help them do so.

Obviously fly tipping is illegal and those identified from investigation work can be fined large sums, but it also costs a huge amount to us all to clear fly tipping as this taken from the council tax we all pay which could be much better spent providing other services for residents.

We will continue to jointly work together on this issue by firstly educating residents, but also identifying those responsible for fly tipping and using enforcement where needed.


I regularly walk the streets in our area to see what issues need addressing in St Barnabas.  It's also a great opportunity to chat to residents about local issues.

Here are just some of the fly tipped items I reported recently for clean up 🤢

Maybe you recognise some of them?  Not what you want outside your house or in your street? Did you know you can help get them cleaned up?

YOU CAN HELP!  If you spot flytipping where you live, please report it by:

📞 Calling 0300 123 5011

📱 Download the FixMyStreet smartphone app to snap a photo and report it

💻Or use the link below 👇


Resurfacing work is underway on Windsor Avenue, which is currently closed during this time (access is maintained for residents only)

This is the first part of a series of more permanent repairs I have been working on to tackle the worst areas of our roads in St Barnabas using a limited amount of ward funding available to me.

The next phase of this work will continue moving on to Sandiway road which will continue into next week.

I am pleased that I am able to provide these resurfacing works using the small local highways budget available to me.  As always, I will continue to push for whatever improvements I can for our roads through Cheshire East Highways.

I have written to Cheshire East Highways to ask when the allocated funds from the governments "pothole" fund will be spent.  Millions has been allocated to our area but Cheshire East Council have yet to allocate and complete works using these available funds.  The question has been asked and I await a response!


Operation Summer returns for its third year, featuring an exciting family-friendly programme of over 130 FREE summer activities that will keep the kids entertained during the summer holidays.

Develop your cartooning skills with Marc Makes Comics… cavort with 6 metre long Brimstone the Dragon in Queens Park… take part in thrilling Mad Science experiments… experience outdoor theatre and storytelling that will captivate the imaginations of all… and more!

All of the activities are free-to-access family sessions. A small number of activities at Crewe Library require attendees to book –  For all events, children need to be accompanied by an adult at all times.

What's happening each day?

Download the leaflet here or view online


It was good to see Cheshire East Highways sorting out drainage issues on Rolls Avenue.

For some time I have been asking for this to be looked at, since each time it rained, water was coming OUT of the drain grids and running down the road instead of what it should have been doing!

Hopefully the work completed will now resolve that issue.

If there's an issue you've noticed that you think needs attention, please do get in contact to let me know using this link 👇


I recently noticed some offensive graffiti had appeared in Leighton Brook Park on the lamp posts and CCTV camera pole.

Thank you to Crewe Town Council who provided me with supplies and PPE to remove it.  I got to work and put these to good use to remove this graffiti.  With a bit of effort and elbow grease the recent appearances have now disappeared!  Much better!

I am raising this with Crewe St Barnabas Police to review the CCTV recordings to identify those responsible.

If you notice graffiti in our area, please let me or the the town council Rangers know and let's get it cleaned up 👍

You can report many issues online using this link 👇



Last weekend I attended training with Cheshire Police for Community Speed Watch so that we can set up our local group to tackle some of the speeding "hotspot" areas in St Barnabas.


Currently on the speed watch team there is myself and one other local volunteer.  Due to new guidelines, we now need 3 members per session to be able to run a speed watch session.  Obviously we only have 2 at the moment.


Speeding is one of the most complained about issues that residents raise to me - so I would ask you to please consider getting involved. Thank you!


Can you help?


If you would like more information, or would like to attend a training session please email PSCO Lorraine Meggs at 


If you'd like to know a little more here's some more information on Community Speedwatch.


If you have any questions or would like to chat about getting involved, please let me know.




I'm pleased to see work has now been carried out to improve accessibility into the park from entrances on Frank Webb Avenue and Rolls Avenue.


I raised this issue recently because the path was becoming difficult for those with mobility issues due raised tree roots creating lumps and bumps in the path.

Repairs to the footpaths have been carried out to level the surface and improve access which I hope will help those using wheelchairs or mobility scooters to also be able to enjoy Leighton Brook Park.


If there's an issue you need help with, please let me know 👇



There seems to have been an increase in abandoned supermarket shopping trolleys around our area recently.  Here are a few that I've recently requested to have removed.


🛒 Help make St Barnabas Better!  Rehome a stray trolley! ❤️

If you see a trolley that has needs to be rehomed, you can request a pick up by filling in this form:


🤝 Thank you to the fantastic Crewe Town Council Rangers for their help! 😊



It was brilliant to catch up with residents on Timbrell Avenue who were working to keep on top of things in their alleyway.


It's great to work together with residents on alleyway clean ups like this, it makes such a difference for all the residents.


This alley was previously an overgrown fly-tipping hot spot.  Now it's clear and a much cleaner space.  Well done 👍


🔒 Remember to keep your alley gates locked and secure.


🔑 If you need a key for your alley gate call 01270 375295 


🗑️ Report any fly tipping to be cleared by calling 0300 123 5011 or download the FixMyStreet App.



And finally I just wanted to share these fantastic photos of Leighton Brook Park in the summer sunshine.


Our local park is looking fantastic this summer after the recent works.


Why not bring the family down, enjoy the playground, try out the new zip line.


Maybe plan a picnic on the grass, or some football in the games area or on the open field?


A great space, right on our door steps this summer! 🌞


Please remember to help keep the park clean by putting any litter in the bins provided.


Whilst you are there, don't forget to check out the superb signs designed by children of Underwood West and Leighton Academy which are dotted round the park, and on the display board showing details of the recent project I worked with the schools to complete.


Thank you! 👍

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE