Free events each Saturday, fantastic work from Leighton Academy and Underwood West, and more!
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Dear fellow residents,


I hope you're well!  I'm just back from a fantastic afternoon with students from Leighton Academy, more on that in a moment!


In this newsletter find out about this years free Pop Up In the Parks sessions in Leighton Brook Park, have your say on local policing, find out how local students have been busy designing signs, and much more.


You can always see my latest updates on my facebook page.


Please share this newsletter with your St Barnabas area friends and neighbours so I can keep residents up to date on what I am up to.


Anyone can sign up to receive my newsletter by visiting


If you've missed a previous newsletter, you can view them all online here.


A massive thank you to students from Leighton Academy who got to work on Friday afternoon cleaning up Leighton Brook Park with our 'Litter Pick in the Park.' 👍

Everyone was really enthusiastic and it was a fantastic result from the students who worked really hard to make sure our newly revamped park is ready for everyone to enjoy over the weekend.  It looks pristine now!

This is the 3rd year of running the litter pick with Leighton Academy which has now involved around 180 students. Each year we have had less and less litter to clean up, which is can only be a good thing.  This year around 15 bags of litter (and a scooter!) were collected.

Thank you to the brilliant teachers and staff for their help today, and to Ansa Environmental Services Ltd and Crewe Town Council for their support.


The Cheshire Police Priority Survey is a new initiative designed to give you a voice and have a say about what matters most in your area.

Please take a few minutes to give some confidential feedback and insight about our area, and what you consider to be the issues that affect you the most.

This will genuinely help to influence decisions we make about local policing.

Click the link to access the survey 👇


You may have noticed some brilliant new signs have appeared in Leighton Brook Park.  Have you found all 10 of them yet?

These have been designed by children at Leighton Academy and Underwood West Academy as part of a 'sign design' competition.

I visited both schools alongside PSCOs Jen & Andrea from Crewe St Barnabas Police  and Lindsay Lewis from Crewe Town Council to talk about the recent regeneration of Leighton Brook Park, talk about our local police and to invite students to take part in our competition for the schools to design these new signs for the park.

There were two themes for the sign design competition, the first being anti-littering to encourage users of the park to help keep it clean and tidy, and the second being CCTV, to positively promote the CCTV camera and raise awareness of it to visitors to the park  in order to help reduce instances of anti social behaviour.

10 designs were chosen and are now permanently installed across all areas of the park.

Thank you to all the students for their fantastic designs, they were simply amazing!

If you'd like to see all 131 designs that were part of this project, please visit the park and scan the QR code on the new display board near the playground where you can also see all the winning designs on display.

You can also see the designs online from Leighton Academy and Underwood West Academy.

Thank you everyone for their involvement in this project 👍



It's the last call for volunteers for our Community Speedwatch scheme, where residents can help to keep the roads in our local communities safe.


If you would like more information, or would like to attend the final training session in August please email PSCO Lorraine Meggs at as soon as possible.


If you'd like to know a little more here's some more information on Community Speedwatch.




I've been out delivering leaflets to hundreds of homes across our area to let everyone know about the fantastic FREE pop up in the parks sessions happening every Saturday at 10AM in the park.


If you've not seen a leaflet yet, here's the details! 👇👇👇


Come and join us every Saturday from 6th July.  You and your family (aged 5+) can take part in Everybody Circuits at 10am each Saturday morning.


📣  Everybody Circuits 📣  

A series of different exercises, designed to create a fun and challenging workout that all of the family can take part in. From squats and lunges to team activities and games designed by our amazing Personal Trainers that will be fun, leaving everyone smiling.


Suitable for: All levels and ages 5 years + (Children aged 5-11 years need to be accompanied by an adult)


👟 Please bring: trainers, comfy clothes & water

📆 Day: Saturdays, starting 6th July 2024- 21st September 2024

Time: 10:00am- 11:00am

📌 Location: Leighton Brook Park, off Frank Webb Avenue


No need to book, just turn up!


These sessions are delivered by experienced coaches with all required safeguarding checks in place.


Funded by Crewe Town Council and delivered by Everybody Health & Leisure



If you're a regular follower of my posts, you'll know I've been trying to get work done to maintain our trees across St Barnabas (this is an ongoing task!)


I noticed that many of the trees on Badger Avenue were hanging so low that the footpaths were difficult to walk along without ducking under them!


Thank you to the Crewe Town Council Rangers who sprang into action and tidied up the low hanging branches so it's now much easier to walk on the footpaths.


If there's an issue you think I could help with, please get in contact.




I am pleased to say that the new road section from the roundabout on Minshull New Road near the brook is finally open.


This means you can now travel much more easily over to Middlewich Road (and back!) whilst Flowers Lane is temporarily one way towards Middlewich Road from the Minshull New Road/Bradfield Road roundabout. 


I was concerned at the huge disruption this one way section was causing for local residents given that it is scheduled to remain this way until 19th July.  The official diversion route is over 22km!


I wrote to Cheshire East Highways to ask them to review this closure and look to see what might be possible to improve the situation, and well.... I am still waiting for a response!  Thankfully the new road is now open.


I would imagine that most drivers will now use the newly opened road but I would ask those still using Moss Lane as a return route to drive carefully and be considerate of others whilst using this narrow rural road.

And finally...




A huge thank you to fellow St Barnabas resident Dylan Keane who has been out with his trusty companion Crystal litter picking in Leighton Brook Park.


Dylan who attends South and West Cheshire College, seeks the opportunity to serve his community on a litter-picking crusade whilst walking the family dog.


Dylan said he "would encourage people who feel able to join in the fun" and thanks Crewe town council for providing him with the litter picking equipment and personal protective wear, keeping him safe.  


He says Leighton Brook Park is a favorite spot for him and his family along with his trusty companion and takes enormous pride in the new park facilities that so many have worked hard to provide. 



That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE