Fly tipping clean up & School Crossing Patrol
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Dear fellow residents,


I hope you're well, that you had a good half term and are enjoying the sunshine now the weather is getting a bit more spring like! 


Just a couple of updates to share with you in case you hadn't seen then on my facebook page.


Firstly, some good news on the Badger Avenue/Frank Webb Avenue junction and a job vacancy.


Also, some news on my work to tackle fly tipping in the area and how you can help report issues in our area.


As you may know I have been working to try and improve the road safety around the junction of Badger Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue, particularly for the children and parents of Underwood West Academy

I’ve been pushing for a replacement school crossing patrol to make it safer for those walking to and from the school.

I am pleased to announce that a new crossing patrol has been APPROVED. ✔️

The vacancy for this job is now open. If you know anyone local who may be interested in applying for this part time job, please share these details:

If you would like a printed copy of the application form, please let me know.


I've met several times with Guinness Housing recently to discuss fly tipping issues in our area, as this is something I have been working hard to try and tackle.

Some of the open areas such as the 'Frank Bott fields' are actually owned by Guinness Housing meaning they are responsible for the area rather than Cheshire East Council.

Working together with Guinness Housing I am pleased to see that the fly tipping to the rear of Wheelman Road has finally been cleared and looks much better.

Let's work together to keep our community clean - if you notice any issues with this area or have any information on fly tipping happening here please call 0303 123 1890 or report online.

Please help keep our community clean by reporting fly-tipping

☎ Call 0300 123 5011

📱 Use the FixMyStreet app (download from your app store)

💻 Report online

If you are not sure what items can go in your waste and recycling I've put some details from ANSA on my web site for residents to refer to.  You can find out how to deal with your household waste and what to do with it.

If you have larger amounts of waste, you can dispose of most items for free at the Pyms Lane Waste and Recycling Centre, or 'the tip' as I'd refer to it!



It's great to see so many families enjoying the new facilities at Leighton Brook Park.  If you fancy a stroll down and a sit down, you can try out the new benches we recently had installed.


Many residents had mentioned to me that they would like somewhere to stop and sit when going for a walk to the park.


I was keen to ensure these were put in and I am pleased to say they are now in place.



Although the evenings are slowly getting lighter, the clocks don't change until the end of the month so it's important our street lighting is maintained to help keep our streets lit and safe at night.


I noticed that this one on Frank Webb Avenue wasn't working.  I requested it was repaired and it's now back in operation.


Sometimes just keeping on top of the simple problems in the area makes a big difference. 


As a councillor who actually lives in our area I certainly notice these things and work get them fixed!


If there's an issue that you've seen, please let me know so it can be sorted or report it online:

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE