Road junction, fly tipping, parking isssues
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Dear fellow residents,


Another quick update ahead of the weekend!


Just a couple of updates to share with you in case you hadn't seen then on my facebook page.


Firstly, some good news on progress with the issues around the Badger Avenue/Frank Webb Avenue junction.


Also, some news on my work to tackle fly tipping in the area and how you can help.


An update on parking issues and how you can report them.


And finally, free activities for children this Half Term.


You will probably know that I have been pushing to get improvements to the junction on Badger Avenue with Frank Webb Avenue due to the number of recent collisions here.

Following my previous meeting with a Road Safety Officer, this weeek I met up with the Cheshire East Highways team who were busy re-painting the road markings, including the 'Give Way' markings on the junction which I have been asking to be renewed.  These are now much more visible to drivers.

I have spoken with many residents about the issues here, and so I am glad to see we are heading in the right direction. I continue to press for more to be done to improve the road safety here for both drivers and pedestrians, although it does take time as there are various aspects that need to be looked into.

I need your help!  If you live on Badger Avenue or Frank Webb Avenue, please do respond to my letter that I recently delivered to provide your feedback and support on this issue.

Read more here


It was great to speak to residents on McNeill Avenue and West Street earlier this week as I visited jointly with The Guinness Partnership and a Cheshire East Council Community Enforcement Officer to work together with residents to tackle the issues with fly-tipping, especially in the alleyways in this area.

We discussed the issues by visiting residents to listen to concerns and offer advice, information was given to all households in the area.  Several items of fly tipping were also reported to be cleared up.

Alley Gates

Alley gates should be kept locked shut to prevent fly tipping, and to reduced crime and ASB by preventing unauthorised access.

For those who don't have an alley gate key they can be obtained at the library at the Lifestyle Centre, but you will need proof of your address to obtain the relevant key.

If you see an issue with an alley gate, you can report it online or call 0300 123 5011 (option 3).

Please help keep our community clean by reporting fly-tipping

☎ Call 0300 123 5011

📱 Use the FixMyStreet app (download from your app store)

💻 Report online

If you are not sure what items can go in your waste and recycling I've put some details from ANSA on my web site for residents to refer to.  You can find out how to deal with your household waste and what to do with it.

If you have larger amounts of waste, you can dispose of most items for free at the Pyms Lane Waste and Recycling Centre, or 'the tip' as I'd refer to it!


A new scheme called Operation Park Safe is now in place.

Operation Park Safe is a new project which will allow members of the public to report parking issues online.

Residents are able to upload videos and photographs of offending vehicles where they will be assessed by an experienced traffic officer, who will triage and deal with any dangerous parking offences.

Any minor traffic obstructions, or community impact issues will be allocated to the local PCSO or Beat officers to deal with in an appropriate manner.

Read more


Wishing well have a series of activites available over February half term

Come and join the team for fun activities, incuding Hot lunch & pudding

📅 Monday 19th - Friday 23rd February
⏰ 10am - 2pm

Everybody welcome

📍 Wishing Well Children and Families Hub
3 Chester Bridge

Follow their facebook page

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE