Grass cutting and Potholes!
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Dear fellow residents,


I hope you're well and braving the weather, apparently we could have snow on the way!  You might have seen me around the area recently in my bobble hat! :)


Just a couple of updates to share with you in case you hadn't seen then on my facebook page.


Firstly, some good news on how we've managed to reverse proposed 'cuts' to grass cutting and even increase the level of grass cutting we'll receive in St Barnabas.


And secondly, potholes! What I am doing to tackle them and how you can report potholes when you see them.


Lastly I am still seeking your support to tackle the issues around the Badger Avenue/Frank Webb Avenue junction.

There was a recent proposal by Cheshire East Council to reduce the frequency of grass cutting and other routine maintenance in some of our green spaces with the threat to only cut the grass 1 or 2 times a year in many areas!
I was obviously against these cuts to services that we already pay for.

Thank you to everyone who supported me in responding to these proposals with your concerns.  I am glad to say that instead of a reduction in grass cutting, we will now see an INCREASE in grass cutting in most of our green open spaces.

Green space opposite Windsor Avenue— Proposed reduction in grass cutting from 6 cuts to 1 or 2 cuts a year.

Will now INCREASE to 8 cuts a year (was previously 6 cuts, and proposal was to cut only 1 or 2 times a year)

Green space from Brooklands Grove to Frank Webb Avenue — Proposed reduction in grass cutting from 6 cuts to 1 or 2 cuts a year.

Will now INCREASE to 8 cuts a year (was previously 6 cuts, and proposal was to cut only 1 or 2 times a year)

Land off Frank Webb Avenue by Westbourne Avenue—Proposed reduction in grass cutting from 6 cuts to 1 or 2 cuts a year.

Will now INCREASE to 8 cuts a year (was previously 6 cuts, and proposal was to cut only 1 or 2 times a year)

Leighton Brook Park (Frank Webb Avenue Playground/Field)— Proposed reduction in grass cutting from 12-14 cuts to 8 cuts a year.

Will now be 10 cuts a year (will not be reduced to the proposed 8) so still an improvement from the proposal.

It is great news that our views have been listened to, and we have not only avoided the cuts to these services, but actually increased the level of service we will now receive.

There has been a rapid increase in potholes across our patch in recent weeks.

Prior to winter I worked to get every pothole repaired before we hit the bad weather.  I wanted to get us in the best position I could before the inevitable hit with rain and freezing weather which takes its toll on our roads.

Since then I've been working to report every pothole in the area that I've seen by walking the streets, photographing and reporting them to Cheshire East Highways.

It is good to see that many have now been addressed, although not as quickly as I would have liked.

I have been repeatedly chasing Cheshire East Highways to get the worst areas in our ward fixed.  The repairs that are carried out at this time of year are temporary and it is intended to make the road safe, according to the priority given by Cheshire East Highways.  This is why they often simply look "filled".

I'm glad to see many around Minshull New Road, Badger Avenue, Frank Webb Avenue, Underwood Lane, Sandiway Road, and Windsor Avenue have been fixed.  However there are some that are still outstanding and I have reported them.

This week I have reported and followed up issues on McNeill Avenue, Foulkes Avenue, Underwood Lane, Sandiway Road, Westbourne Avenue, Rolls Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue.

If you think there's a pothole that's been missed you can report it online.

I have requested more permanent works to the worst areas in St Barnabas.  These will move in to schedules of work to be completed outside of Winter months - this is something I am working on, as always.

Don't forget, if you missed it in my last email newsletter I am working to try and tackle the issues with the Badger Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue junction.


I'm asking residents to please support my call for improvements to this section of road by emailing


Please remember to mention Badger Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue junction on your email.  Thank you!

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE