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Crewe, St Barnabas Ward Crewe, St Barnabas Ward
Cllr James Pratt

Dear fellow residents,


I just wanted to share a quick update with you as fellow St Barnabas residents, and in one case - ask for your support with regards to the issues with the Frank Webb Avenue and Badger Avenue accident hotspot which I am currently working on.


On a lighter note, I have made recent visits to Leighton Academy and Underwood West Academy schools and it's great to share with you some work the students have been creatively working on!



Help me to get action from Cheshire East Council to improve this road junction.


I know from living locally the junction between Badger Avenue and Frank Webb Avenue is a concern to residents, as it is to me too.  There have been many accidents here recently, and it can be difficult to cross the road at this busy junction.


I met with the Cheshire East Highways Road Safety Team Leader in mid-December to discuss the issues around this junction and to carry out a safety survey.  I am aware that there have been several recent collisions here since then, some which I have seen myself.


I had already been looking into these issues last year, and had raised these concerns with both Cheshire East Council Highways and their Road Safety Team Leader. That is not only in terms of the junction itself, but also the fact that we now no longer have a school crossing patrol to aid those parents and children going to and from Underwood West School when crossing this junction.  My recent request for a replacement school crossing patrol is currently being assessed.


I’ve seen for myself the difficulties parents and children have in crossing the road here. I know personally how this junction is difficult to navigate when driving, with very poor visibility of oncoming traffic and vehicles approaching from multiple directions. I am concerned to hear of yet more recent collisions here. 


To ask for greater priority to be given to this issue, I have written to the Head of Highways at Cheshire East Council as well as the Chair of Highways and Transport Committee.


I’ve discussed the issues with road safety on this junction with our local MP and have asked to make an application to try to obtain government funding from the Department for Transport to see if we can make improvements to the junction.


In terms of what improvements can be made in the short term; I previously requested that the lighting on the ‘give way’ signs be repaired. This has been completed.


I requested in October that the ‘give way’ markings be repainted, but this was rejected with a response that the current markings were ‘adequate.’ I disagree with this as the markings are obviously worn – and have requested that the decision be reviewed.  I am now advised that this work will now be scheduled.


I’ve asked Cheshire Police if they can carry out speed checks on this section of Badger Avenue and monitor parking to ensure visibility is not further impaired. You can also help by  volunteering  for our Community Speedwatch scheme, if you are interested in helping please email


If improvements to this junction are agreed, it will likely take some time to go through all the stages required to plan, fund, and implement whatever enhancements are recommended.


So, in the meantime if you are driving through this junction please slow down and take great care.

If you or your children are crossing the road, please walk to the dropped kerb crossing points either side of the junction, and don’t attempt to cross on the junction itself.




Cheshire East Council are currently running a consultation on road crossings.  You can help support my call for improvements to this junction by emailing your concerns to


Don't forget to mention the location of junction (Frank Webb Avenue/Badger Avenue) in your email.


If you do not have email access call Customer Services on 0300 123 55 00, and they will forward your enquiry.

I recently visited Leighton Academy and Underwood West Academy schools with PSCOs Jen & Andrea from Crewe St Barnabas Police to talk about the recent regeneration of Leighton Brook Park, talk about our local police and to invite students to take part in our competition for the schools to design some new signs for the park.

We had a lovely time and were very impressed – all the children were extremely well behaved. It was also nice to see how enthusiastic all the pupils were about what we have been doing.

Thank you to both schools for allowing us the time to come and visit and disrupt your busy days!

There were two themes for the sign design competition, the first being anti-littering to encourage users of the park to help keep it clean and tidy, and the second being CCTV, to positively promote the CCTV camera and raise awareness of it to visitors to the park  in order to help reduce instances of anti social behaviour.

I’m delighted to be able to share the childrens designs for the park, the winning designs will be made in to permanent signs to be installed at the newly renovated playground at Leighton Brook Park off Frank Webb Avenue.

View the designs here.  Press 'like' on your favorite design to vote for it!

Leighton Academy
Underwood West Academy

I also run a local litter picking group for the St Barnabas area – if you are interested in joining us, do keep and eye on my email newsletter to be kept up to date with details of our next litter pick.

That's it for now but there are many more updates on local issues and upcoming events on my Facebook and Instagram so please do follow them as I can't fit everything on the email newsletter.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by James Pratt of CNCA, 13 Churchyardside, CW5 5DE