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Crewe, St Barnabas Ward Crewe, St Barnabas Ward
James Pratt

Hello fellow residents,


I hope you are all well, I can't believe the weather we've been having recently, it certainly doesn't feel like July.  Hopefully it will improve soon!


I have been out braving the elements delivering newsletters to many of you this week.  If you've not received it yet you can find out about many of the things I've been up to by following my facebook page, or keep a look out for for the newsletter over the next few weeks.  If you see me out and about please do say hello, and of course let me know if there are any issues I can help you with.


Today I was out delivering around Timbrell Avenue and Badger Avenue, along with reporting in some fly tipping hotspots! (Yes, it was wet!!)



You may have seen the posters around, or had a flyer about the free family events in Leighton Brook Park on Sunday mornings for the next 3 weeks.  Our first 3 events are a Family Bootcamp session for all ages and abilities.

The first is THIS Sunday 16th 9.30am, as well as on the 23rd and 30th at the same time in Leighton Brook Park.


I’ve been working with Crewe Town Council to bring these free family events to Leighton Brook Park as part of a series of Pop Up In the Park events across Crewe this summer.  I'm really pleased that we have secured these events for residents of St Barnabas in their local park and look forward to joining in.  These events are open to everyone of all ages and abilities, comfy clothes and trainers recommended!



This week I caught up with Tim Morton who is a street cleansing supervisor at ANSA.  Tim and his team do a fantastic job on keeping our streets clean with limited resources.  Thank you Tim!  Please encourage others young and old to respect our neighbourhood by using litter bins and taking litter home to dispose of it.


If everyone kept the area outside their home litter free, imagine how much nicer our streets would be!  It takes 5 minutes and makes a massive difference to where we all live.


I'm still looking for volunteers for a litter picking group, this will be just around our own areas so firstly I am looking for suggestions on where to carry out the litter picks but more importantly at this stage I need volunteers so that we can actually do this!  Please reply to this email or contact me if you would like to be part of the litter picking group, that way I can work out how much equipment we need and speak to you to work out when is best to do our first litter pick.  Please do get involved if you can as this will make a huge difference to our area.



ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR.  I’ve heard from some residents both about anti social behaviour and drug dealing in our area.  I’ve raised concerns with PSCO Jolley.  There have been several instances of ASB in Leighton Brook Park and the CCTV is currently being reviewed in relation to these to identify the individuals involved.  I’ll also be having a meeting with John Dywer Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire later this month.  

I would encourage residents to report ASB issues however small by calling 101.  This provides the police with intelligence and also highlights the issues in our area which can lead to increased patrols. For this reason it is important to report issues to the police even if they don’t need an immediate response as it builds up a picture of issues in the area and helps the police to target areas that need attention.  The non emergency number is 101 to report these types of issues or you can report them online.  Of course in an emergency always call 999.


If you have any information or wish to report anything please do get in contact, call 101 or report online.   I would encourage you to report ASB issues however small.  The more issues we report the more focus we will get for our area.

I'm often highlighting the problems with ASB in our area and meeting with our local PCSO to discuss how we can work together to best tackle them.

Are there issues you'd like to see tackled in our community in St Barnabas?  Please complete the anonymous Residents Voice Survey:

OAK TREE FAMILY HUB - This week I attended the open day at the Oak Tree Family Hub on Newcastle street.  I was so impressed with the fantastic staff, facilities and services offered here.  You can learn more at Crewe Children's Centres facebook page.  The Family Information Service (Cheshire East Council) is also a brilliant service to offer help and advice for  families.  I'd really encourage parents to pop in and find out more about this brilliant place!  Newcastle Street, Crewe, CW1 3LF.

LEIGHTON GREENWAY - I was contacted by residents of Windsor Avenue concerned that the fence on to the greenway was damaged. This allowed vehicles access on to the field where there have previously been unauthorised encampments opposite residents homes. I met with Guinness Housing customer liaison officer Katie and the repair has now been carried out to secure the green space.

OVERGROWN TREES - I've raised the issue to Cheshire East Council several times about overgrown trees on Badger, Frank Webb and Darlington Avenue. 

Residents continue to raise these issues and I am still pushing for something to be done.

Overgrown trees block light in to residents homes, block street lights from working properly to adequately light our roads and footpaths, and also block footpaths.

I've asked the Crewe Town Council Rangers if they can tackle the worst of the trees and hedges where they are blocking footpaths on Badger Avenue, Darlington Avenue and Mayfield Mews.

I'll continue to follow up with Cheshire East Council in terms of getting our roadside trees properly maintained.

BEECHMERE FIRE INVESTIGATION - Since the incident in 2019 on Rolls Avenue where more than 150 residents lost their homes and possessions, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service has been working to investigate the cause and establish any potential breaches of fire safety legislation.

Charges are now being brought against six companies for failing to comply with regulations. 

It remains a long and difficult time for former residents and their families, but it is my hope that accountability will be held for what happened and lessons will learned from this terrible event.

Further details:

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service have written a letter to former residents of Beechmere.  Please click the link to view and download:

GUINNESS HOUSING MEET UP - Earlier in July I met with Louise and Sophia from Guinness Housing and looked at issues around the Kettell Avenue, McNeill Avenue and Darlington Avenue area.  We'll be working together to try and tackle some of the issues local to these streets including fly tipping, roads, trees and street lighting.

I'll also be meeting with the Customer Liaison officers for each of the other Guinness areas in our ward.

If you are a Guinness Housing tenant and have an issue that you’d like me to try and help you with, please do get in contact and I will do my best to assist.

WHEELMAN ROAD / LEIGHTON GREENWAY - The back of Wheelman road on to Leighton Greenway is looking awful at the moment.  I've raised this with Guinness Housing who own the land and I'll attend the next Guinness estate inspection so that we can also meet with residents to discuss the ongoing issue.

LOST SHOPPING TROLLEYS.  There are so many of these abandoned across the area I'm surprised Morrisons have any left!  I'm working with Crewe Town Council and the supermarket partner agencies to reduce the number that clutter our streets, footpaths and alleyways.  You can report Morrisons trolleys by downloading the Trolleywise app and ASDA trolleys by downloading the Collex app from your app store.

SPEEDING VEHICLES. Residents have contacted me about this issue particularly on Frank Webb Avenue, Badger Avenue and Rolls Avenue.  Cheshire Police ran a speed camera session on Frank Webb Avenue in June where 7 vehicles were reported for speeding in 45 minutes. 

I have raised these concerns with Cheshire Police, so expect further checks in these areas including mobile speed camera checks and also to identify those being driven in an antisocial manner.

If you’ve any information on this issue or any concerns please contact me or report them via 101

UPCOMING ROAD CLOSURE - A section of Minshull New Road between Rolls Avenue to Meadow Brook Cemetery is scheduled to be closed from Monday 24th July until 31st August as part of the NWCP to incorporate the new roundabout.  Please use an alternative route during this period.

That's it for this newsletter but keep following my Facebook and Instagram for more updates.


If you have something you'd like me to look in to please do get in contact.


I look forward to seeing you on Sunday at Leighton Brook Park.  Set the alarm and see you at 9.30am!


Have a great weekend.

Councillor James Pratt

Crewe, St Barnabas Ward

Cheshire East & Crewe Town Council

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Promoted by Allen Gage on behalf of James Pratt, both of Churchyardside, CW5 5AG.